COURSE: 3 Ways to Be a Leader That People Don't Hate

Are You Ready to Transform Your Leadership?

If yes, this course is going to be a great start for you to transform how you lead!

But before I get into just how this course will transform your leadership...

I want to share who this is perfect for.

If you're a Leader...

  • that struggles with a decision if you even want to be in this position

  • that experiences people quit the team or are in the low-motivation zone

  • that wants to be better, create an environment for people that they can't wait to work within

  • ...-to-be who wants to be prepared and see if that's the role for you

... and you find yourself nodding along, then you're in the exact right spot.

And, I can't wait to take you to the next level!

Keep reading to find out how 3 Ways to Be a Leader That People Don't Hate is going to be a game-changer for you - with all the videos and materials that's all about real-world application and seeing those results roll in!

The truth is...

If you want to be a great leader, you can do it. It's just the matter of decision WHAT kind of leader you want to be.

The course consists of 12 video lessons with 4 worksheets that will move your leadership skills into the next level!

By the end of this course you will...

Have a Decision About Your Leadership

Sometimes we even don't know if we want to be in a leadership position. We take it because it looks good, or we don't see other options to grow. You'll resolve this piece of the puzzle & make a former decision about your future.

Ask More, Assume Less

Leaders have so many things to do on their daily lists. And because of that we shorten our way to make decisions, we assuming instead of asking. You'll get to know consequences of this approach and transformation you can make.

Contract With Your People and Know Their PCM Behavior Algorithms

90% of conflicts are happening because we don't contract enough with others and we are not tailoring our communication. You'll learn how to do it better, so you don't waste time on things that don't matter. And get it back so you can use it wiser.

Have a Decision About Your Leadership

Process Communication Model® (PCM) is a powerful tool to transform the way we communicate. Building a strong muscle of Communication Intelligence (CQ) is one of the most powerful skills we can acquire as leaders.

Ask More, Assume Less

Leaders have so many things to do on their daily lists. And because of that we shorten our way to make decisions, we assuming instead of asking. You'll get to know consequences of this approach and transformation you can make.

Contract With Your People and Know Their PCM Behavior Algorithms

90% of conflicts are happening because we don't contract enough with others and we are not tailoring our communication. You'll learn how to do it better, so you don't waste time on things that don't matter. And get it back so you can use it wiser.

Who is going to run the course?

My name is Aleksandra Lemańska. I'm a former violinist, turned management engineer, turned organizational psychologist. I support Tech Leaders with transforming the way they lead and create work environment that their people don't have and don't quit. I use Process Communication Model® (PCM) as a framework full of algorithms to save approx. 17 hours PER WEEK on insufficient communication with others.

I believe that strengthening the muscle of Communication Intelligence (CQ) will give us our time back so we can invest it in creating value from the things that really matter. I think that we all prefer (myself included) to work on our products, improving things so they work better, not endless conflicts, misunderstandings and not-delivered tasks.

You want to know more about me? Listen to the Leman Tech Leadership Podcast: my voice is telling more than any written words.

Here's what people who was working with me during different growth occasions are saying about it.

The training was conducted very professionally – the instructor's extensive knowledge was conveyed in a creative and engaging way that encouraged active participation. The program was rich, with explanations of techniques and practical exercises. Our skills were thoroughly analyzed. The training met my expectations 100%. I received many interesting and, most importantly, practical solutions that I can implement in my work. One of the top 3 best training sessions in my life. 🙂

Aleksandra Wolosz

Employee Relations Coordinator | Edge Solutions

Alex is a true professional and from the first meeting you can see that she knows her stuff. He has extensive knowledge and experience and, above all, he knows how to use it. After just a few meetings, I can see huge progress in the areas we worked on and we have achieved basically all the goals we set. I sincerely recommend it!

Michal Zakrzewski

CEO | Wiraz-Bus

I am very grateful to have met Aleksandra. I had the privilege of learning from her about a great tool/method which is PCM. I truly admire her attitude&professionalism. She adapts and finetunes her teaching methods to the person, need and situation. Can only recommend her if You need any support as a leader, she has great knowledge and can also recommend a book (😉) to help You grow!

Kinga Chrzanowska

Manager Inbound Operations EMEA Road & Rail | VOLVO Cars

Improving Your Leadership,

Growing Your Team

Because at the end of the day, YOU matter as a Leader for the People that are in your team. Do you want to be the best version of yourself to create something extraordinary?

But I know that...

you need more data to make a former decision. So I'm...

introducing "3 Ways to Be a Leader That People Don't Hate" Course!

A comprehensive, step-by-step 12-video-lessons course design to transform your leadership skills so you can effectively use your time - with confidence & authenticity.

Module #1: Don't Assume, Ask

Our brains are overstimulated and overloaded with data. Not to mentioned with the endless tasks list.

This is the module to help you understand what happens when you assuming (to get things done "faster"), instead of asking (to REALLY gather information).

Module #2: Contract With Your People

Don't waste more time on misunderstandings, or insufficient communication, feedback or delegated tasks that are not done as you want, AGAIN.

This is the module to support you getting the structure of your conversations, so your people know exactly what to do and you get your time back.

Module #3: Get PCM Fundamentals

Most of us communicate the way we want to be communicated with. Ask questions (if we like to be asked), give people time (because we need it while making a decision).

This is a module where you will get to know the fundamentals of Process Communication Model (PCM) to understand how much does it cost when we don't tailor our communication

What's inside the course? Let's take a look!

Part 1: Do You Want to Be a Leader?

Sometimes we take the leadership position without a full understanding of what this role really means. This part is a checkpoint for you: do you even want to do it? Or if you're not the leader yet: is it a good idea to get the job?

Part 2: Don't Assume, Ask

Our brains are overstimulated and overloaded with data. Not to mentioned with the endless tasks list. This module is to help you understand what happens when you assuming (to get things done "faster"), instead of asking (to REALLY gather information).

Part 3: Contract With Your People

Don't waste time on misunderstandings or insufficient communication. This is the module to support you getting the structure of your conversations, so your people know exactly what to do so you get your time back. Make a structure around the work you do with your team, stakeholders, your boss: you'll see the whole difference.

Part 4: Get PCM Fundamentals

Most of us communicate the way we want to be communicated with. And the key thing is to communicate how the other side preferes.This is a module where you will get to know the fundamentals of Process Communication Model® (PCM) to understand how much does it cost when we don't tailor our communication.

Part 5: Understand Motivational Needs

We are good in giving constructive feedback but we often struggle with recognition. We say "good job" from time to time and we think that's all everyone needs. Surprise surprise: that's not a truth at all. This module will introduce you to 9 PCM Motivational Needs that people have so you don't need to guess what is important for every one of us. You know.

12 video lessons together with 4 worksheets that will give you space for self-reflection and doing exercises on your own pace and time!

You get lifetime access to this course for only...

Please read before you decide anything!

I'll never forget the day I became a leader for the first time.

No preparation, training, mentoring. Nothing. I didn't even know where to start.

So I've made a decision: I'm going to be a leader that I want to have for myself. I will avoid all of those horrible things I've experienced myself in the past from having the worst leaders ever and everything's going to be fine.

Don't get me wrong, I got plenty of great feedback. I teach leaders on a daily basis, so I better know how to do it myself, right?

Well, yes and no.

I made a lot of mistakes and I could've avoid that cost me efficiency, time, value that I could've bring to the people with my team. And based on my experience and a lot of things I learn every day to support leaders like you, I want to spare you the pain and months or years of trial and error.

Because the truth is that being a leader that you want to have is not a solution. Even if your intentions are good.

It's selfish. And I've learn it the hard way.

And you can do it different, you're just one step from it.

Let's make it happen together!


Go and get your Leadership practice!

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Transform Your Leadership!